So after my chat with the attractive Spanish man, I appear to have turned into a stalker.
Yesterday wasn't so bad, but today I have walked past the place he works 5 times. I had to stop myself wandering past all evening. I saw him, but he had disappeared before I got there (hiding?) so I just kept walking. I don't even know why. He isn't some amazing god or anything, just a nice friendly guy. It must be my lack of male attention recently making me crazy.
Speaking of male attention, one of my fellow "spinsters" has pretty much got herself a boyfriend. HOW COULD SHE!? She knows she has to stay single with me. I know it's only a matter of time until I'm the last one in the group without one. Depressing. But what am I supposed to do? I either don't attract anyone, or I find myself in situations with people who already have girlfriends which 1. makes me a very bad person and 2. never ends well. When will it be my turn to find someone nice?
Well that definitely makes me sound like a desperate man obsessed stalker. Which I'm not. Honestly. I just get sick of other peoples happy stories when I'm about as single as you can get. Hello Bridget Jones.
Today has been okay. The family went out for the day so I've been alone all day and it's been nice. This morning I went on a stamp and postbox hunt, then went to the beach after lunch, out for a stalk/walk this evening and made my own food (pasta without half a bottle of olive oil, YAY) and I'm going to have a shower and watch a film or something soon.
I like the "me" time and relaxing, but what I really want right now is a crazy Spanish night out. I want to drink beer and dance on tables. But I'm a loner so that ain't gonna happen. I've spoken to another girl who is coming to be an au pair on Monday, maybe she will want to go crazy with me. I hope so. Otherwise I'm going to end up table dancing alone.
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