
Tuesday, 7 May 2013


I just had the horrible task of checking my bank balance. I knew there wasn't going to be a lot.. but I literally have hardly anything. By the time I've paid my last lot of bills for the house I have nothing. Where does it all go? Why can't I control my spending? I don't even feel like I've spent much. I have worked quite a bit, but they're such short shifts I don't actually end up with much at all. Rubbish. There goes my plans of having my eyelashes tinted, buying some new shoes, replacing my laptop battery...

Oh no. I just remembered I have a hair cut booked for tomorrow. And no money to pay for it. You'd think after 3 years of living away from home I'd have learnt to budget a bit better. Maybe my parents will shower me with money for a graduation present. Probably not but I can imagine it for now.

I really wanted to buy some converse as well.

I've got my practical session for one of my modules today. It's worth 50 or 60% of the module so I need to do well. I'm being a "presenter". Don't know why, I hate being in front of the camera. I don't know what to wear either. Or what I'm supposed to say. But after this I only have 2 modules left to finish off. I think one of them is done but my tutor won't email back to confirm something and wants me to go in on Thursday, but I'm working. Stress. If I've got it right, then fine. If I've got it wrong then I'll lose too many marks. Why is it so hard :( Plus I'm over the word count. I'm getting to the point where I don't even care.



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