
Sunday, 5 May 2013

Boredom, tiredness and hunger

So I should be writing my essay right now and instead I'm writing on here and thinking about what food to buy from the shop. I'm so hungry. A mini tin of beans was not a satisfying way to start my morning. I'm really craving fish and chips but is half 12 too early for them? Maybe I should wait till tea time. I'm really hungry now though. I want chocolate too but I have a bit of an issue with it. I don't have any self control and a big bag of malteasers can be gone in minutes. I'm not even joking, it's like I inhale them.

I'm blaming this mornings hunger on after work drinks last night. Alcohol always makes me so hungry the next day. I didn't even plan to stay, but free drinks after a long shift, how could I say no? Kind of regretted my decision after the first drink though. My usual work friends weren't there. We're the losers who stick together and hardly talk to the others. But we were part of the "original" lot and then the newbies started last September and we never really joined with them. There's one girl who's only young (18) and it's so obvious. Last night she was telling everyone about how she was going home (to halls) to "watch a film" with some guy. She made no secret of the fact they would be "watching a film" winky winky. She then went on to say stupid things like she doesn't have to find someone attractive to "get with them". I just sat there and cringed for her. In a couple of years she'll realise how naive and a bit trampy that makes her seem. Why would you sit there and tell our nice, but much older male manager that? It's not cool. No one was impressed. It doesn't sound so bad written down but she is so much of a "fresher" it's embarrassing. I don't care if you "got sooo drunk last night OMG I don't remember anything except getting with 5 guys lmao hahaha". Do it if you want but it's not making you seem super cool talking about it. I'm not sure if she, or the medical student who thinks she's perfect is the most annoying. Shut up and go away. I sat there looking miserable until someone agreed to get a taxi home with me. I got a free hoody though. Not that I will wear it anywhere other than my house, but still, freebies are always good.

I'm off to the shop now, going to try and control my spending and tryyy and not buy a mountain of crisps and chocolate.

I'm back. I was good and the only naughty thing I bought was 2 small packets of crisps and I've managed not to eat them yet. I'm going to the library soon though and that always means library snacks. Today I'm thinking skittles. My essay is nearly done (whether it's right or not, I have no idea, but it's nearly long enough) and my other bits of work are coming along well. Hopefully I can hand it all in by Friday and then I'm free! One more shift at work on Friday night and I'm hoping one of my parents will pick me up on Sunday. They might make me wait until next week though which isn't ideal, I've got a lot to do at home so sooner would be better. I'm a bit sad about finishing now, but at least I've got exciting things to look forward to. Really really going to miss my home friends though :( They all get back for summer after I've left for Spain and then most are away through August so that will only leave a few weeks to see them before Spain in September. Hmmm. Hopefully I'll have lots of visitors when I'm out there though.

Right, off to the library now. It's so warm outside, I got a bit sweaty walking to the shop. Not the idea day for library time. Nearly done, nearly done, nearly done. Need to keep remembering that!


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