
Saturday, 6 April 2013

I don't want to go back!

I have to go back to uni tomorrow. I don't want to go. I feel like a child stamping my feet and screaming. I can't be bothered with fending for myself, having to go to lectures, meetings with lecturers and having to be sociable with my housemates all the time. I wan't to just fast forward until my last hand in date and be done with it.

Normally after a week or two at home I'm soo ready to go back but I've loved being home this time. And being back at uni means deadlines are getting closer and closer.

On the bright side, I've found my flights for going to Spain next month. Just need to wait till loan day on Monday to book them. I'm going to email the family I'll be working for after this and confirm the dates. Fingers crossed they still want me!

Having a bit of a panic about money. Basically, I don't have any. I'm spending what I don't have. As usual. Just a few things on my list to pay for are flights, my rent at my uni house, bills, a new suitcase, new clothes plus living costs till I go away. If only I had rich parents.

I'm a whole 40 words into my assignment. That's including the title. Can. Not. Be. Bothered. I don't want to let myself down in my final bit of uni though. I started off wanting a first, now I'd be happy with a 2.1. I've averaged out at the over the last 2 years, just need to give it that final push now.

I have so much to do and so little time. But I still want time to go faster so I can get to Spain. STRESS STRESS STRESS.


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