
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

4 weeks to go!

(Okay, it's 4 weeks and one day, but close enough!)

So I have four weeks until I go to start my job as an au pair for 8 weeks. I flip between being really excited and really nervous. I just keep imagining how awkward and scary it's going to be meeting the family for the first time in the airport. What do I do? What do I say? Do I jump straight in and talk to the children? I've tried googling for other peoples experiences about this and found a few blogs, but they don't really detail exactly how it was. I'm hoping that at some point in the future someone might find what I write and find it useful.

I'm starting to worry I won't meet anyone to hang out with while I'm there. I'm pretty happy with my own company, going to a cafe alone or trips to the beach... but I need some interaction with young people at some point! I've used couch surfing to try and contact a few people. So far they've mostly been that bit older than me... which is fine but I'm not sure how comfortable I am going off to meet a 50 year old man in the "nice quiet bar I know". I know they are probably harmless and just want to help me explore their town but it still makes me feel a bit uneasy. I'm hoping I'm somehow going to get lucky and meet some nice young people who can show me around and speak enough English for us to get by while I learn Spanish.

I'm also worrying about the language barrier. I haven't had time to practice any Spanish because of uni work and when I do have free time all I want to do is watch rubbish tv and relax for a bit. I want to get to know people and don't want to be the ignorant English person who can't speak any of the language. I guess I have the motivation to do it so it shouldn't be tooo bad.

I finish uni in 3 weeks and then go to Spain in 4 weeks. When I come back for the few weeks in the summer between au pairing and properly moving there in September everything will have changed. No more uni, my mum's moving house, her partner is moving into the new house with her and I'm going to be unemployed and poor for 6 weeks. Not sure how that's going to feel or what I'll do! I'm not good when I have nothing to do, I get grumpy and everything annoys me.

So... 4 weeks, 5 assignments, 2 rooms to pack, loads to buy and shifts to work. I can do this! I should really get started on it all though! And my trip to Spain better be worth it, I really need something fun to end my uni life with!


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